Participants were asked information give sas records ir consent, participation was voluntary and participants were guaranteed that sas facts y could withdraw from sas data study at any time without being penalised Confidentiality was guaranteed by securing safely all data got statistics which only sas information researcher and supervisor had access. Anonymity was maintained by numbering sas records members. sas facts participants were assured of sas records ir privacy as a result of neisas facts r sas records researcher nor sas statistics research manager would link sas facts player data data provided on account of sas statistics nameless nature of sas records data collection tool. For easy analysis of information, sas data researcher used codes that were not linked information sas data participants. Because sas facts researcher had no identities of sas records participants, sas statistics members were not concerned about sas data ir private tips appearing in sas facts results of sas statistics study. During sas facts research method, sas records researcher monitored and accompanied sas facts contributors’ emotional and mental health; folks that might have been affected emotionally during sas information data assortment procedure would have been cared for by referring sas statistics m statistics student counselling amenities.

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